Goethe once said "Nothing is worth more than this day." In fact, I wore a special bracelet with this quote today (today being day one back to work after twelve weeks with my newborn). To me, This Day is about making the most of opportunities. This Day is about giving my full attention to the task at hand- be it at work, at home, or anywhere in between. This Day is especially about appreciating all I have right now as opposed to what I could have in the future or should have had in the past.
This Day, so far, brings me the blessings of
A warm bed to wake up in
A baby to nurse
A husband to kiss
A closet of clothes
A warm shower
A car to drive
A career to enjoy
A mom that babysat
A bunch of family & friends who care
A dinner to make
A body that moves
And (2nd mention) a baby to love, kiss, adore, change diapers for, see smile & laugh, protect, and play with.
'What does all this mushy stuff have to do with fitness,' you ask? Well, if nothing is worth more than this day, I challenge you to take Goethe for his word (his very wise word!) and truly seize the day. Rather than put off working out until tomorrow, go do something today. Goethe did not say that life changes, such as working out and eating better, should only happen on Mondays! So buy that gym membership, download an exercise video, explore your neighborhood via foot, or drop and give me 30! You're alive and well on This Day- nothing is worth more.
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