Thursday, June 27, 2013

Mama Love

This blog post doesn't fall under Fitness, Food, or Fun but it's got to be said. If you're a mom you are beautiful. Can you say it with me? 'I am beautiful'

The single fact that you carried a child, fostered a child, or adopted a child makes you beautiful. But then there are the late nights, shuffling kids around, cleaning up scrapes and vomit that also make you beautiful. There are the things you've sacrificed to be home doing homework, bath time and early bed times that make you beautiful. And don't even get me started on how much you love your child, because that too makes you more beautiful than you were in High School, college, and probably even on your wedding day.

Because you are beautiful, it saddens me to hear you complain about your (choose one or all)
Stretch marks
Deflated boobs
Bags under eyes
Tummy pudge
C-section scar
Bigger feet
Extra weight
And on and on

Next time you find yourself complaining about the not-so-appealing side effects of having bore or reared children try pausing and taking a moment, or all day if you must, to compliment yourself instead. Dare I say that each time you criticize yourself you're not only harming your own beautiful self but you are also doing damage to the child that looks up to you, the man who might love lying next to you in bed, and God who created you? Yes, your body is different now than it was B.C. (before children), but you have a child now which is pretty special! You are beautiful.  Repeat it to yourself, even if it takes a little fibbing at first, until you believe it. My hope for you is that you'll see the aftermath of children- the tummy, the scars and all- as lovely reminders that you are a mom and that makes you... beautiful!

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