Sunday, July 29, 2012

Easy Way To Save Money

Why didn't we do this sooner? Truth is we kind of enjoyed blowing our hard earned money on coffee shops, lunches near our workplaces, and dinners out. And all the while we had a fridge full of fresh, healthy foods that we'd spent a small fortune on at the grocery store and Farmers Market. It's about time we stop being so frivolous and start planning- meal planning!

This morning I got out a pencil and paper and made a calendar for the month. For now I'll plan meals about one week in advance to leave us a little flexibility. Next, the three of us headed to the market for the week's items and, what'ya know, we spent significantly less than usual!

The purpose of meal planning for our family is to
1) Save money by not buying more than we'll have a chance to consume. I have a tendancy to buy lots and lots of fruits and veg because it all looks so good. But one can only eat so many lychees!
2) Save money by not going out on a whim. This is often the case when I'm just not wanting to prepare a meal or when it seems like there's no food in the house. We'll now be more inclined to eat at home when I've taken the time to plan a great meal and have all the ingredients waiting for me in the kitchen.
3) Save money by not going out to eat much at all. I'd like to start meeting up with friends in between meals or having them over to enjoy our food with us as opposed to overspending at restaurants as often as we do.

We'll also be eating healthier and spending more time at home as a family- added bonuses!

Try it with me! I challenge you to find a system that works for you and let me know what you discover after a few weeks of meal planning. Below are some tips.

-Consider breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks
-Make enough for leftovers
-Get the family/roommates invloved in the planning and sharing the meal preparation
-Use a phone app or the like if it helps you be more organized.
-Stick to the plan!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Back In The Saddle

Today was day two back in the saddle. Teaching Spinning the last two days was a blast with the fit students, the thumping music, and loads of hills & sprints. I was a little nervous to get back in the saddle. But, surprise! True to the popular saying, it turns out riding a bike really is as easy as, well, just getting back on the bike. It felt great to hop back on the (spinning)bike and lead 28 people in a stellar workout after nearly a year off from teaching.

A year ago today I finished my first full distance triathlon- VINEMAN! (More on that later). I swam in a river for 2.4 miles, rode my bike 112 miles through rolling hills and vineyards, then topped it off with a 26.2 mile run through the California countryside. That was truly one of the most fun and memorable days of my entire life. Fast forward exactly one year, twenty pounds, and one baby later (well, baby was in utero at the time) and here I am starting from scratch in terms of fitness. It's humbling and it's exciting all at the same time! It's exciting to think I can now work toward a new goal, improve on a race record, or pick up an old hobby like cycling.

If you've been 'out of the saddle' in your own life, I dare you to hop back on! It's easy to let your favorite hobby become a distant memory as life gets more complicated. Maybe an injury, a major life change, or even complacency brought your passions to an abrupt halt. Whatever the case, find something you miss or something that you love and get back in the saddle!

You Had Me At 'Salad'

Mom and I discovered something new at the Huntington Beach Farmers Market. The sample was oh so tasty, but I've already got buffalo jerky at home and a plethora of quick snacks now that I'm back to work full time, so why ever would I need to add jerky chips to the mix? As I prepared to walk away (feeling guilty for sampling without buying) the vendor got serious and said 'You know, they make the perfect salad topping.' Well why didn't you spare me the hesitation and guilt and just tell me that right from the get-go, Mister Jerky Man?

Since two is cheaper than one and I'm now a money savvy mama, I walked away with my two bags of jerky chips. The chips only made it onto two salads before my husband discovered them and snacked away. The first salad I premade to take to a summer concert. Two hours later the crispy chips had become soft but they were still tasty. The second salad I made fresh and the chips provided exactly what I wanted out of them- crunch!

I was so excited to have something new to spruce my salads up with until I checked the label of this oven baked jerky goodness...

2.1oz bag = 220 cal
8g protein
4g fat
38g carb
26g sugar
860mg sodium (yikes!)

So my new Farmers Market find makes for a sugary sodium filled snack without much protein at all.And how I didn't realize this upon purchase is beyond me, but these jerky chips are pork, something I rarely care to eat (due more to the remembrance of my childhood pigs Hammer & Abby than anything else).

If you're looking for a yummy treat to your salad give these a try, just don't make a habit of it.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Nothing Is Worth More

Goethe once said "Nothing is worth more than this day." In fact, I wore a special bracelet with this quote today (today being day one back to work after twelve weeks with my newborn). To me, This Day is about making the most of opportunities. This Day is about giving my full attention to the task at hand- be it at work, at home, or anywhere in between. This Day is especially about appreciating all I have right now as opposed to what I could have in the future or should have had in the past.

This Day, so far, brings me the blessings of
A warm bed to wake up in
A baby to nurse
A husband to kiss
A closet of clothes
A warm shower
A car to drive
A career to enjoy
A mom that babysat
A bunch of family & friends who care
A dinner to make
A body that moves
And (2nd mention) a baby to love, kiss, adore, change diapers for, see smile & laugh, protect, and play with.

'What does all this mushy stuff have to do with fitness,' you ask? Well, if nothing is worth more than this day, I challenge you to take Goethe for his word (his very wise word!) and truly seize the day. Rather than put off working out until tomorrow, go do something today. Goethe did not say that life changes, such as working out and eating better, should only happen on Mondays! So buy that gym membership, download an exercise video, explore your neighborhood via foot, or drop and give me 30! You're alive and well on This Day- nothing is worth more.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Me: "Sir, what's our pace?"

Random Grandpa pushing jogging stroller who I've been trailing for 3 miles: "12:00, no 12:02."


Last year at this time I was tapering for Ironman. I happened to be pregnant and didn't know it. I would've warmed up significantly faster than this. I would've passed Grandpa and the toddler he pushed with no problem. I happened to be much faster, and much lighter at that. But today I was happy just to be out there- to feel the pavement under my feet, the sun beating down on my shoulders, my ponytail bobbing in the breeze, the oxygen flowing (quite strongly at that), and even the thighs rubbing!

I'll take the 12:00, no 12:02, pace for now. And I'll even take the chafing... for now. The bottom line is I laced up my shoes this morning, hesitantly kissed my son goodbye for a brief time of self-improvement, and I got back out there after a pregnancy induced hiatus. In time the pace will improve, the oxygen will flow more smoothly, and the thighs will shrink (won't they?). It will never be easy to walk away from my son for an hour, but it sure will be good for us all when this mama is fit and healthy.

So Grandpa- thank you for wearing your Garmin today and unknowingly encouraging me to keep up with you. See you on the Peninsula next Saturday!


As we drove home from the El Dorado Nature Center today and I played with my son in the backseat I was reminded of a little incident that occurred a few days back while my son was in my care. I revealed this little incident to my husband who, in turn, had a revelation of his own that occurred while our son was in his care at the ripe age of one week old. So it turns out neither of us are perfect parents, but we'll just keep on keepin' on and be sure to laugh at our own and each other's mistakes along the way.

I wish there was some good ol' fashioned fun to report on from the Nature Center, but baby boy slept in his stroller throughout the entire walk. The hubby and I enjoyed the park through the eyes of our friends' two year old child, we saw lots of turtles in the feaux lake, and climbed a few tree stumps.

All in all a good, and humbling, day!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Less Isn't Always Best

Have you seen the lists of fruits and veggies that you should always buy organic vs. those that are safe to buy conventional, especially if you're trying to save money? Frankly, I'm over these lists that attempt to put a price tag on my health- and a cheap price tag at that! Soft skinned, delicate fruits and vegetables typically make the must-buy organic list, leaving their thicker skinned friends in the dust. First of all, I'm not okay with consuming less pesticides when I can have no pesticides. And second, my health is worth more than the cents I'll save buying conventional over organic foods. But let's not limit this debate solely to produce- think coffee, meat, grains, dairy, cosmetics, and even clothing. Everything we put in and on our bodies effects us. I don't have all the answers as to how these products effect us, so explore it a little more on your own. And while you're at it, take one of these challenges!

Challenge #1: Research cosmetic items you often use (nail polish, lotion, shampoo, deodorant, sunscreen, toilet paper) and swap a couple out for cleaner products.

Challenge #2: Eat & drink 100% organic for a week.

Challenge #3: Get a family member, coworker, roommate, or friend to partner with you in your mission to incorporate more pure foods and products into your life.

I look forward to reading your comments on which challenge you took and how it effected you!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

All The Time

It is with much excitement that I jump on the blogging bandwagon. But wait. What does one write about in the very first blog? I find myself suddenly out of character- perplexed, stumped, cautious. Readers, this is a BIG deal! So rather than come up with something witty or deep I'll just write what I know and what is at the core of everything I explore and share with you... and that is that God is good ALL THE TIME. 

When birthing my baby
When loving on my husband
When competing in a long race
When waking up at 3:30am for work
When talking with my little sister battling cancer
And when finding the time and energy to share my passions with you.

Now stay tuned for exciting stories on fitness, food, and fun!